2023 U-Pick Open Dates & Hours: 

July 5 - September 30, 2023.    

Wednesday: 8 - 11am
Thursday: 8 - 11am and 5 - 7pm
Friday: 8 - 11am and 5 - 7pm
Saturday: 8 to 11am

We close at 11am to avoid the summer heat.   The flowers don't like being picked when they are hot and picking flowers when it's hot isn't fun!  

11am is a hard close. Please arrive in plenty of time to pick your blooms so you can enjoy your time without rushing. We recommend arriving by 10am.

Because we are a family-run farm and things come up, please check this page AND the Facebook page prior to planning a visit just in case we need to be closed.

Pricing: $25.00 - 2-gallon bucket - Allows you to make several bouquets to put throughout your home or to share with others! ​   You may bring a bucket to transfer your flowers to take home or keep our bucket for $2.00.

U-Pick subscribers -  20% discount for subscribers!   

How u-pick works

11am is a hard close. Please arrive in plenty of time to pick your blooms so you can enjoy your time without rushing.  We suggest arriving by 10am.

We ask that you wear sneakers or good walking sandals. The paths are all covered to make walking through the flowers easy, but to put our minds at ease and to help ensure safety, please wear appropriate garden footwear.

Please leave your pets at home. We are a working farm with free range pets and poultry that are very dear to us. All the new smells can be overwhelming for your pet and new doggie visitors can be very stressful for ours. ​

Children are absolutely welcome, but are expected to behave respectfully. This means no running, pulling off flowers or climbing across rows. If we spot these behaviors, we will have to ask you to leave the garden. A tremendous amount of time and work goes into keeping the garden beautiful, and we ask that you help us keep it that way.

The garden feeds countless pollinators, and this includes bees. While being stung is rare, it can happen. For this reason, we ask that anyone with a bee allergy opt out of the U-Pick.

You will be provided a floral bucket and shears. You may transfer your flowers into your own bucket to transport or take our bucket along for a $2.00 fee.

You will take your flowers home in a bucket to arrange in the comfort of your own home.

Country Joy Flowers